

Welcome to the City of Fairbury, Illinois

Fairbury…Where our history provides a vision for the future

201 W. Locust Street, PO Box 228, Fairbury, IL 61739 • 815.692.2743
Fax 815.692.3428 •
City of Fairbury website

David Slagel, Mayor 

Brett Ashburn, City Superintendent • Dale Diller, City Treasurer • City Clerk, Alexandria Reis •  Robert McCormick, Chief of Police 

Public comment at an open meeting is governed by Chapter 2, section .07 of the municipal code of the City of Fairbury. Section .07 may be viewed.

To reserve a shelter at North Park or Marsh Park, please call Larry Ray at 815.674.3660

City Hall is open Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  We may be reached at 815.692.2743