Miscellaneous Information

.16 Removal of Snow and Debris.  (Renumber in 2000-4)

No person shall park any vehicle on any street within the city limits at any time when such parking will prohibit removal of snow or other debris from the city streets.  No parking whatsoever shall be allowed on Locust, Hickory, First, Third and Seventh Streets between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. on any day during the month of December, January, and February, or at any other times when heavy snowfalls are likely.  No parking whatsoever shall be allowed on Fifth and Sixth Streets between Oak Street and Pine Street between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. on any day during the month of December, January, and February, or at any other times when heavy snowfalls are likely.  No parking whatsoever shall be allowed on Locust Street on any Wednesday between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.  No parking shall be allowed on Third Street between Maple and Walnut Streets on any Wednesday between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.

View map for the City Map to print the map, use the browser print button drop down arrow and preview.  It must be changed to landscape and use 30%.   Fairbury is wider than it is long!

Fairbury, Illinois is serviced by the following utilities.

Water, Sewer & Garbage

City of Fairbury





Gas (Natural Gas)







Cable TV/Internet/Telephone



Mediacom Communications Corporation



Contact The City

City of Fairbury, Illinois 201 W. Locust Street Fairbury, Illinois 61739 815-692-2743 Email clerk@cityoffairbury.com

Police 9-1-1 EMERGENCY 815-692-3351 (Non-Emergency / Business) 815-692-3347 Fairbury Office phone

Swimming Pool 815-692-2912

Dominy Memorial Library 815-692-3231

Park Reservations (North Park and Marsh Park) Larry Ray 815.674.3660

Street Department 815-692-3812

Water Department 815-692-2033

Sewer Department 815-692-2911 

Community Data Information


Contact Person

Phone Number

City of Fairbury City Hall
PO Box 228
201 W. Locust Street
Fairbury IL 61739 

Brett Ashburn
City Superintendent
Email Brett Ashburn


David Slagel 


City of Fairbury Police Department
Same as City Hall

Robert McCormick
Police Chief
Email Robert McCormick


Fairbury Fire Department
320 W. Locust Street
Fairbury IL 61739 

Josh Hoselton
Fire Chief
Email Josh Hoselton


Southeast Livingston County Ambulance Service
310 W Locust St
Fairbury IL 61739 

Jeremy Stoller
Email Jeremy Stoller


Agendas and Minutes from all meetings are posted on the City’s website at cityoffairbury.com

The City of Fairbury is located in Livingston County.  County seat is Pontiac.  Livingston County Sheriff is Ryan Bohm, 815.844.2774

Superintendent of Street Department, Lonnie Rhoads, 815.692.3812 | Email Street Department
Superintendent of Water Department, Mike Mellott, 815.692.2033 | Email Water Department
Asst. Superintendent of Sewer Department, Bruce Pride, 815.692.2911 | Email Sewer Department 

City Treasurer, Dale Diller, 815.692.2743 | Email Treasurer
Utility Billing Clerk, Jessica Wenger, 815.692.2743 |
Email Utility Billing Clerk
City Clerk, Alexandria Reis, 815.692.2743 | Email City Clerk
Police Department 815.692.3347 | Email Police Department
Zoning Administrator, Brett Ashburn, 815.692.2743 | Email Brett Ashburn

Floyd & Marion Stafford Pool, 815.692.2912

All emergency radios in the City are narrowband.  Emergency situations, call 911