Information & Policies
Stafford Community Swimming Pool
Information and Policies
The staff of the Stafford Community Swimming Pool would like to thank you for your attendance at the pool. We hope the following information is helpful to you.
Hours: Daily from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM except for days of swim meets and pool parties.
Closing the pool will be determined by the Pool Manager with regard to weather (rain, temperature, or potential electrical storms) and the number of swimmers
(Less than 10 would require closing the pool.).
The pool will be available for parties on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 PM; deposit has to be made at the time of booking. In the event of inclement weather, the party may be hosted in the gym of the Boys & Girls Club, if available, or cancelled. Refunds for cancelled parties will be issued by check from City Hall.
Family Season Pass $175 (Family pass includes parents and unmarried dependents 18 years and younger living in the same home. Grandparents and extended family members are prohibited from sharing a pass.)
Grandparent Pass under 8 grandchildren $175 grandchildren must be under 16 years old
Grandparent Pass 8+ grandchildren $200 grandchildren must be under 16 years old
Individual Season Pass $100 Non-swimming chaperones $5/day
Daycare providers must pay fees for children who are not family members who may accompany them.
Daily Prices: Children 3 years and under free
All other swimmers $5.00
Children 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at least 14 years of age. Parents/guardians will be required to sign in and stay on the premises for children under 10. Any child or children unaccompanied by a parent or guardian at least 14 years of age will be denied admittance to the pool..
Rules and Regulations:
In order to protect the safety of all patrons of the Stafford Community Swimming Pool, tennis court areas, and park areas, the following policies will be strictly enforced and adhered to:
No running on pool deck or in the shower room.
No roughhousing in the pool or on the deck area.
No foul or abusive language in pool area.
No cutoffs in pool – only approved swim wear.
No smoking inside the pool area.
Telephone use limited to emergencies and rides home.
No unauthorized persons in the control room.
No visiting with the lifeguards on duty.
No unauthorized person at or on the lifeguard’s chair.
Refreshments in concession area only.
Deck furniture must be returned to area around pool, if moved to sun deck.
Hanging on the ropes is prohibited.
Kiddie Pool:
Supervision required for any non-swimmer in the Kiddie Pool.
No Loitering in the Kiddie Pool area by swimmers.
Diving Boards:
No diving from sides of pool.
No swimming in diving board areas.
No hanging onto the diving boards.
Only One Person on the diving boards at a time.
Divers Must Wait until the person ahead of them has reached the ladder before jumping off the diving board.
No pushing or crowding into line while waiting for use of diving boards.
No running on the diving boards.
No flotation devices are allowed while jumping/diving off the boards.
Pool and Court Areas:
Bicycles must be parked in the bike racks.
Cars must observe slow, safe speeds in the pool and tennis court areas.
Parents, please see that your swimmers are aware of the above rules and regulations and understand each of them.
After 3 times of being removed from the premises, parents will be notified. After 5 times of being removed from the premises, swimmer will be banned from the pool facility for the rest of the year.
Damage to any pool property will result in the removal from the pool and payment for damages will be expected. Repeat offenders will be prosecuted.
Stafford Community Pool is not responsible for unclaimed articles or clothing left unattended at the pool area or in the shower rooms.
If you have any questions regarding these rules, contact Alex at City Hall, 815-692-2743.